
Charles Fefferman


Basic Sciences

14th Edition

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences has gone in this fourteenth edition to professors Charles Fefferman of Princeton University and Jean-François Le Gall of Université Paris-Saclay in recognition of their fundamental contributions in two areas of mathematics that have had multiple ramifications, with applications extending across a broad array of science and technology fields.


The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Basic Sciences category goes, in this fourteenth edition, to Charles Fefferman and Jean-François Le Gall for their fundamental contributions to mathematical analysis and probability theory.

Fefferman has introduced groundbreaking techniques to study the detailed structure of functions and the behavior of solutions to partial differential equations, including those arising in fluid dynamics.

Le Gall made seminal contributions to the theory of stochastic processes by establishing key results about the fine properties of Brownian motion, and by deriving the scaling limits of discrete random geometric objects as their sizes diverge to infinity.

Together their body of work opened new perspectives on the field and has had a great influence on a generation of mathematicians.