
NEWS Extraordinary grant call funded with 2.7 million euros

The BBVA Foundation supports 20 COVID-19 research projects in the areas of Biomedicine, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Ecology and Veterinary Science, Economics and Social Sciences and the Humanities

Twenty research teams will study diverse facets of the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to an extraordinary BBVA Foundation grant call funded with a total of 2.7 million euros. After reviewing the almost 1,000 projects submitted in the call, five expert committees have agreed to award four grants in Biomedicine (250,000 euros per project); four in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (150,000 euros per project); four in Ecology and Veterinary Science (100,000 euros per project); four in Economics and Social Sciences (100,000 euros per project); and four in Humanities (75,000 euros per project).

2 October, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed disruption around the globe on a scale and of a severity without precedent in recent decades. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has gravely impacted not only the health of the world’s population, but many aspects of our economic and social existence. This systemic shock requires that we seek out informed solutions to guide public policies and the behavior of economic and social agents. Likewise, the complexity of the challenge calls for a multidisciplinary approach to the pandemic and its impacts on a multitude of planes.

hrough the team projects selected in the extraordinary call for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 research proposals, the BBVA Foundation has joined in the research effort to understand and address this crisis, and to develop better tools with which to confront future pandemics.

The twenty projects selected involve more than 400 researchers working from different angles to address the mechanisms of the infection, its diagnosis and treatment, and its psychosocial and economic impact.