

Capital público en España

Evolución y distribución territorial (1900-2012)

Social Sciences > Economics > Public Economics

This report presents the latest update of the historical series on public capital, developed jointly by the Ivie and the BBVA Foundation, which analyzes the most recent results in a period of more than a hundred years (1900-2012).

The series are classified by investing agent and public expenditure head and distributed by province and autonomous community. The richness of the data allows to study the characteristics of public capital accumulation from various points of view, and with enough detail to make this database an essential tool to analyze the regional evolution of investment evolution and public capital, with clear implications for the assessment and design of public policies and the analysis of the impact of public capital on growth and convergence.

This study analyzes the path of investment and public capital in Spain and its regions and provinces during the last stage of growth and subsequent economic crisis (1995-2012) from a long-term perspective.