1998 LI 000142 LLU for


Foralismo, derechos históricos y democracia

Directed by
Miguel Herrero de Miñón, Ernest Lluch

Coordinated by
Jon Arrieta, Jesús Astigarraga

Joseba Agirreazkuenaga, Joseba Arregui, Bartolomé Clavero, Javier Corcuera Atienza, Jesús Eguiguren, Jaime Añoveros García, Miguel Herrero de Miñón, Jesús Lalinde Abadía, Jesús Delgado Echeverría, Ernest Lluch, Gregorio Monreal Zia, Francisco Javier Moreno Portela, Ver todos

Social Sciences > Legal Sciences, Political Science

The Spanish Constitution of 1978 includes political demands and traditions in expressing an unwavering wish to respect and support what it defines as the “Historic Rights of Territories with fueros (historic charters)”. For some, these rights allude to a different system of self-government from the rest of Spain, restricted to Navarre and the Basque Country; for others, they also include the private law regime of Aragon; while the rest include Catalonia and Galicia. The use of these rights involves accepting special distinct political personalities and specific forms of achieving the legal development of these identities. The future projection of these rights depends on them being updated, which must be done through democratic means.