

Itinerarios de inserción laboral y factores determinantes de la empleabilidad

Formación universitaria versus entorno

Social Sciences > Economics, Public Policy > Public Economics

This book examines two crucial issues regarding university education in Spain and the national labor market; namely, the employability of university graduates and their labor market integration. It is clear from its chapters that both these aspects are conditioned by a series of agent decisions. The choice of degree made by students and their families, the way universities design their educational offering and the actions they take to favor employability, the interaction between universities and the business world, and the tenor of government educational policies; all these factors actively condition graduates’ access to the labor market. The economic climate, though considered exogenous, is without doubt another major influence.

The authors analyze the recent evolution and the principal determinants of students’ labor market integration, with particular regard to the role of the universities in improving the employability of their graduates.

This publication should find an interested readership among public-sector planners and managers, students and their families, teachers and researchers, and the public in general.