1996 CU 000035 PER ina

PublicationResource Notes

La inactividad laboral de los españoles y su previsión

Análisis sociológico

Alfonso Pérez-Agote Poveda

Social Sciences > Economics, Sociology > Public Economics

Spanish people view the state very much as a provider, which means that the Welfare State has a deep hold on their mindset. This is one of the conclusions of this analysis, based on a survey carried out in 1995 on labor inactivity and the benefits provided for it. The research analyzes a variety of issues: it analyzes the situation of those without jobs; reviews concerns about the future of the pension system; analyzes the way in which retirement is provided for; and examines the preferences with respect to the public or private system. The study constitutes a contribution to the research Pensiones y prestaciones por desempleo (Pensions and Unemployment Benefits) (Fundación BBV, page 66).