

Modelos de dirección estratégica en universidades españolas de alto desempeño

Social Sciences > Economics, Education Sciences, Public Policy > Public Economics

This book uses a strategic management approach to analyze a set of universities that achieve high performance scores in comparison to those of other universities closely similar in terms of both structural characteristics and the socioeconomic context in which they operate.

Starting from the work done by Aldás et al (2016) on identifying strategic groups within the Spanish university system, the authors select nine cases of on-campus universities with better performance ratings than other, comparable centers, and identify the management practices and characteristics associated with their superior teaching and research performance.

The book concludes by proposing a model that integrates the main patterns and practices linked to high-performing universities. The PEDAGoCC model, as it is known, adapted to universities as institutions with a specific idiosyncrasy, points to the importance of a correct alignment of universities’ actions, practices and structures, and the development of a coherent strategic conduct geared to securing a clear and consistent positioning. The main conclusion reached is that each university may pursue a distinct positioning, but success rests on that positioning being supported on a good mix of the remaining factors identified, in a solid, consistent manner that is furthermore sustained over time.

This publication is aimed mainly at members of university governing bodies and management teams, as well as education economics analysts, public policy-makers in educational matters and all those interested in the role of universities in our society and possible paths for their improvement.


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