

The Culture of Science in Modern Spain

An Analysis of Public Attitudes Across Time, Age Cohorts and Regions

Martín W. Bauer, Susan Howard

Social Sciences > Sociology

This report explores the culture of science in modern Spain. Science culture manifests itself in people’s attitudes towards, engagement with and enculturation with modern science. Eurobarometer, the survey instrument of the EC in Brussels, included questions touching on public sentiment towards science and technology in 1989, 1992, 2001, and 2005.

This series of related surveys has been integrated into a single database with 60 indicators of science culture, facilitating a unique longitudinal, comparative analysis of the dynamics of scientific culture in today’s Spain. Comparable questions pertain to public knowledge of, interest and engagement with, and attitudes towards science, which are analyzed in relation to education, age cohort, gender and region. The report is thus able to examine what has and has not changed in the reference period within the wider context of EU12 countries, contributing to the societal conversation around the place of science in modern Spain.


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