
PublicationFrancisco Giner de los Ríos Awards Series

Desafíos de la educación e innovación en el aula

XXII Premios Francisco Giner de los Ríos a la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa

Social Sciences > Education Sciences

Desafíos de la educación e innovación en el aula. XXII Premios Francisco Giner de los Ríos a la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa brings together the winning wntries in the 22nd edition of the Francisco de los Ríos Awards for Improvements in Educational Quality called by the Ministry of Education and Science and the BBVA Foundation. The prize goal of any school is to provide a good quality education. In fulfilling this mission, staff have need of regular guidance as well as timely information on the latest, most innovative teaching experiences and materials. These were the motives behind the estabishment in 1983 of the Francisco de los Ríos Awards for Improvements in Educational Quality, intended to recognize and disseminate best practices and approaches in education developed by teachers working in either public or private schools.

The first prize in this twenty-second edition went to the project Las ciudades que no vio Calvino, designed to stimulate students’ creativity on three distinct fronts: plastic and visual education; geography and history; and language and literature. The prize in the Humanities and Social Sciences category was awarded to Grand Tour, seeking to replicating the tours around Italy undertaken for learning and instruciton by the young English aristocrats of the eighteenth century. In Experimental Sciences and Mathematics, the winning entry was El fuego: ciencia y espectáculo en las aulas, which uses fire as a device to kindle students’ interest in science and general and chemistry in particular. Finally, Escucha algo especial was the winning project in the category Use and Development of New Infomration and Communication technoloigies in the Educational Sphere. The format is that of a radio program whose writers and presenters are young people with special educational needs, integrating diversity concerns with pupils’ acquisition of new technical skills.

The projects described in this book stand as a valuable selection of innovative educational experiences that will serve as an inspiration an aid to all those engaged in the teaching process.


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